30+ Small Gaming Room Design Ideas For The Perfect Setup

When you settle in for a multi hour long gaming session, you need your gaming room design to meet your needs, your style, and your space. If you are like most of us, your gaming room does not get the opportunity to be the center of attention. Having a small gaming room does not mean it will lack functionality and style. Check out these 30+ small gaming room design ideas. 

1. Dual Monitors

Dual monitors should almost be standard for gaming these days right? Double the screen real estate allows you to play your favorite game while having your favorite tv show or streamer on the next screen. 

2. Integrate Multiple Screens

Photo by Ola Dapo

If dual monitors are out of the question, you can turn your small gaming room setup into your computer and tablet hub. This still gives you the capability to use your secondary screens for your favorite tv shows or streamers. 

3. Keep It Simple

If you don’t want all the fancy gadgets or lights, just keep it simple. All the most important things are within reach. Don’t forget to personalize your decorations. 

4. Try One Vertical Monitor

Photo by Josh Sorenson

Vertical monitors are becoming more popular. The extra vertical screen space makes a vertical monitor an excellent option for someone that likes to scroll through their socials in between games. 

5. Try Out  A Small Desk 

Photo by Josh Sorenson

Small gaming rooms usually means a small desk. Creating a small desk space for your gaming setup keeps things out of the way and can be quite cozy after its all set up.

6. Add Some Mood Lighting

Adding some soft lighting is actually more than a cool style choice. Ambient lighting can be good for your eyes. Adding some soft lighting to your small gaming room is a quick and easy way to add character.

7. Monitor Stands


Adding a simple monitor stand to your small set up will give you valuable extra space under your monitors.

8. Add Artistic Flair

Adding artwork to your set up can really tie everything together. You will notice in this setup, all the color pallets match in some way or another.

9. Don’t For Get The Chair

Photo by John Petalcurin

Spending long amounts of time in the game world means you need the right chair to keep you comfortable and supported for long stints. Don’t skimp on your chair.

10. Streaming Lights

Photo by Roberto Nickson

If your small gaming room is going live, you’re going to need some lights. These sleek and minimal lights save space.

11. Stacked Monitors

Photo by FOX

In a small gaming room setup, space is at a premium. A small desk can get crowded quickly, between the PC tower, the speakers, the lights, keyboard, and mouse, that space is used up quick. Stacking monitors is a great way to save space.

12. Undermount Lights

If your desk is tucked into a corner of your place, you might be trying to work around what is there. Adding undermount lights under shelves or cabinets can give you a lot of options to style and make the space your own.

13. Wood Accents

Photo by Amar  Preciado

DIY wood projects are gaining popularity. You can add really cool wood features to your small gaming room design with a couple tools and weekend of work.

14. The White Set Up

Photo by Ruben Daems

Keeping an all white set up typically will fit in most rooms. Consider a clean white set up if you don’t want your setup taking up to much attention.

15. Find A Nook

A small gaming room can really be any corner of your home. Find a little nook and make it your own. As long as you have a desk and a couple outlets you are set. Tie the design style in with the rest of the space and you can make something really special.

16. Focus On What Matters

Your gaming setup is just that. For gaming. Focus on the crucial pieces of gear. The tower, keyboard and mouse and the monitor. These are the main things you will need.

17. Hide The Cords

Photo by op23 on Unsplash

Keep it clean and hide the cords. Nothing can make a space seem smaller than clutter. If you are working with limited area already, keeping the cords tidy.

18. Under Desk Lights

Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Accent your setup with undermount lights. These lights are out of the way and provide ambient lighting to your small setup. Design your setup with undermount lights in mind.

19. Match Your Wall Paper And LED

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

PC light software allows you to customize your PC setup to any colors and patterns you want. Pick out a wall paper and PC tower color pallet to match.

20. Consider A Standing Desk

Take a break from sitting and stretch the legs. having a standing desk might give you the boost you need to power through the next match after a long day with the team.

21. L-Shape Desks

When space is tight, you might only get a corner of a room for your small gaming room. An L shapes desk will give you additional desk space with out impeding into the room.

22. Modern Dark And Wood

I am sucker for a wood desk as much as the next person, combine a nice wooden desk with a clean look and you have a great looking setup.

23. Accent Feature

Adding a focal point to your decorations is an easy way to make the space your own. Something bold, subtle, simple or creative can turn a space quickly into your own.

24. Floating Monitors

If you have some handyman abilities, consider integrating your monitors into the wall. No cords, no monitor arms, just clean floating monitors. Plus a matching wallpaper really seals the look here.

25. Dual Setups

Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash

There is noting better than spending time with our significant others. Being able to game side by side allows you to share time together while maybe even on different games.

26. 3D Wall Accents

Photo by op23 on Unsplash

3D wall accents are actually easier to add to your small gaming setup than you think. Many are peel and stick type products and with a backlight monitor, add alot of features to the setup.

27. LED Signs

LED signs are pretty sweet. That is easy to agree on. They can be a great tool if you are streaming and want to promote your brand or advertise something special to you. Not to mention they can add some great lighting to your small space.

28. Keep The LED Simple

Incorporating LED lights into your is always a nice touch. Sometimes less can be more. Keep the lights simple for a big impact.

29. One Monitor

Photo by Clark Gu on Unsplash

One giant monitor can do everything 2 monitors can but with out that annoying bevel in between pixels. Using one large monitor also can cut down on the cords and cables you have to worry about hiding.

30. Don’t For Get The TV

Regardless of a small gaming room, you and your friends are going to want to hang out there. incorporate a TV into your set up for all your party and hang out sessions. Not to mention its great to have the big game or your favorite show on in the background.

31. Keep A Theme

Building a theme set up is awesome. Everything seamlessly works together and blends in a cohesive fashion. Picking a theme might be hard, but when you have it. You will be able to build our your space quickly.

32. Triple Monitors

The Wrap Up

Your small gaming room set up is a reflection of you and your style. These ideas are among many that you can incorporate to your gaming room design. Try a few things out and consider doing some preliminary modeling before getting to far underway.

Working in a small space comes with its own unique challenges, but this list shows that small gaming room designs can be even better than a large scale setup.


  • Joe

    Joe has spent the last 8 years working in the Architectural/Engineering consulting world. Joe paired his consulting work with some web design, SEO, content marketing, and copywriting to build this site as a resource for anyone looking to expand their design business.. When not focused on design, you can find Joe out in the woods, in the saddle, or on a long run.

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